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May I borrow your...?

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I ____ ____ to eat tacos.
I can't wait to eat tacos.
_ ____'_ wait to go to a concert.
I can't wait to go to a concert.
"_ can't wait __  play Pokemon go.
I can't wait to Play Pokemon go.
"_ can't wait to ____bbq(Samgyeopsal)
I can't wait to eat bbq(Samgyeopsal)
_ can't wait to __ my friends
I can't wait to see my friends
"_ can't wait for ___weekend.
I can't wait for the weekend(Saturday and Sunday)
"  _ can't wait __ __ on vacation
I can't wait to go on vacation
" _ can't wait __ eat pizza.
I can't wait to eat pizza
" _ can't wait ____to sleep.
I can't wait to go to sleep
" _ can't wait to __ __ Super Nintendo world"
I can't wait to go to Super Nintendo World
" _ can't wait to __ __ Disneyland!
I can't wait to go to disneyland
" _ can't wait to __ _ picnic
I can't wait to go on a picnic
" May I ______ your paint?
May I borrow your paint?
May I ___ ____ pencil sharpener?
May I use your pencil sharpener? 
May I ______ your tape?
May I use your tape?
May I ______ ____ brush?
May I borrow your brush?
May I ______ ____ your calculator?
May I borrow your calculator?
May I ____ _____ eraser?
May I borrow your eraser?
May I _______ your glue?
May I use your glue?
May I _____w your stapler?
May I borrow your stapler?
May I ____ your friends?
May I hug your friends?
May I ______ ____ scissors?
May I borrow your scissors
May I  ______ your books?
May I borrow your books?
May I ______ your crayons?
May I borrow your crayons?
May I ______ your pencil case?
May I borrow your pencil case?
May I ______ your ruler?
May I borrow your ruler?
May I ______ your pen?
May I borrow your pen?
May I  _______ your pencil?
May I borrow your pencil?