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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which chemical change involves microorganisms?
True or false: Metals and food can suffer oxidation.
What chemical reaction is produced when a substance reacts with oxygen?
In combustion, the combination of oxygen and fuel produces...
Energy and waste products
What do you need to burn something?
Oxygen, fuel and energy.
Open your school bag is reversible / irreversible change.
Chopping a carrot is reversible / irreversible change.
The change from gaseous to liquid state is...
The change from liquid to solid state is...
The change from liquid to gaseous state is...
The change from solid to liquid state is...
What is an irreversible change?
A change that is permanent and the original material can't be recovered.
What is a reversible change?
A change that is temporary and the original material can be recovered.
What is density?
The amount of matter that occupies an space.
Which units do you use to measure the volume?
Litres or mililitres
What is volume?
The space that an object occupies.
Which units do you use to measure the mass?
kilograms or grams
What is mass?
Mass is the amount of matter that an object contains
What can you separate through magnetism?
Substances with magnetic and non-magnetic properties
Which process do you use to separate two liquids with different boiling points (such as alcohol and water)?
Which process do you use to separate two liquids with different densities (such as water and oil)?
Which process do you use to separate iron and sand?
Which process do you use to separate a solution made up by water and salt?
Filtration / evaporation
What is a heterogeneous mixture?
A mixture in which the substances are not joined, so you can distinguish them.
What is an homogeneous mixture?
A mixture in which we can't distinguish the different substances.
Name the two types of mixtures
Homogeneous and heterogeneous
Is carbon dioxide (CO2) a compound or a mixture?
A compound (it is made by 2 atoms of oxygen and 1 atom of carbon)
What is a compound?
Two elements that join together to make a molecule
What is the smallest unit of matter?
The atom
Name the pure substances.
Elements and compounds
What is matter?
Matter is anything that has mass and occupies space.