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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is your hobby? What kinds of hobbies do you think are good to have? Which ones are bad? What are some unusual hobbies?
Things you do NOT like
What are some things you do not like? Why? Foods, films, places, household chores? 
Free Space You pick a topic!
Let's come up with a question we can ask someone about this topic. Let's ask them 2 follow-up questions.
Things that are funny
What makes you laugh? A particular film, character, person? Tell us a funny story or a joke. What are some other things that can be funny?
Around the World
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? Why? Have you been to another country? Tell me about it. Food, People, historic events, sights
Outer Space
If you could visit another planet, would you? What do you think you would see? What do you think it would be like to live in space? Travel on a space ship?
What's your favorite kind of music? Favorite musician? Favorite song(s)? Do you play any instruments? Is there an instrument you wish you could play?
What do you think is the greatest invention ever? Inventor? What's something that should be invented? Have you ever invented anything? What was it?
Who is in your family? Do you have any siblings? How many? Older or younger? What are their names? What are some things you like to do with your family?
Free Space You pick a topic!
Let's come up with a question we can ask someone about this topic. Let's ask them 2 follow-up questions.
What is the weather like today? What is your favorite kind of weather? Why? What kind of weather you don't like? Why?
Famous People
Who is your favorite singer, actor, youtuber, or blogger? Tell us about them. Do you want to be famous?
Do you like to cook? What do you make? What is your favorite food? For Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner? Snack? What is your favorite restaurant?
Series/Films/Youtube channels
 What is your favorite film?  Youtube show? Do you have a favorite Youtube character? What do you like about them?
Do you have any pets? Tell us about them. Have you ever been to the zoo? What did you see? What is your favorite animal? Why?
Summer/winter holidays
Tell us about your favorite summer holidays. What do you like to do on holiday?