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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is short sound for Ii? What is the the key word for(Ii)? Tap it out!
What is short sound for U? What is the the key word for(Uu)? Tap it out!
What is short sound for E? What is the the key word for(E)? Tap it out!
What is short sound for O? What is the the key word for(O)? Tap it out!
What is short sound for Aa? What is the the key word for(Aa)? Tap it out!
What is a digraph blend?
a word that has a digraph and a blend next to each other (like lunch)
what is a blend?
When a word has 2 blue tiles (2 consonants) next to each other
Floss but not?
Gas, Bus or Yes
All but not?
What are the 2 rules of the Floss Rule?
1. The word must have only 1 vowel. AND 2.The word must end in F, L , S or Z
What is a unit?
When a sound makes an "unusual" sound, fingerspell it on 1 finger. Units make 1 sound
What is Air Spelling?
When I use my fingers to sound out each sound in a word
When I spell a word on 1 finger
When I use my hand to pet a Kitty!
When I use my pointing finger in the air to spell Sight Word
What is Finger Spelling?
When I use my fingers to count each sound in a word
When I use my finger to eat chips
When I use my fingers to spell a sight word in the air
When I use my hand to pet a kitty