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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does Scrooge ask Marley to do in hopes of embarrassing him?
Asks him to sit down
What does Scrooge eat for dinner?
Give me an adjective to describe Scrooge and explain your choice
What word does Scrooge use to describe poor people?
Two men arrive and ask Scrooge for what?
To donate to the poor
What does Scrooge say to his nephew about happiness?
You can't be happy if you're poor
What would Scrooge do to Bob Cratchit if he used another piece of coal?
Scrooge would fire him
What is the clerk's name?
Bob Cratchit
On what day does the story take place?
Christmas Eve
Do animals like Scrooge? How do you know?
No - blind people's dogs pull their owners away!
What happens when Scrooge walks down the street?
People avoid him
Scrooge does not donate money to the poor. Where does he donate to?
The workhouses and prisons
Give me an adjective to describe Scrooge and explain your choice
What was Marley to Scrooge?
His business partner/only friend