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Victorian Era

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name one thing in this image that contributed to people's poor health
How did Charles Dickens feel about the way poor people were treated in Victorian times?
What was Charles Dickens' father sent to prison for?
What punishment was a fate almost as bad as death?
The Treadmill
Where would you have to go if you could not repay your debts?
If there were a fashion show at the workhouse, how many outfits would you see?
One (everyone got one uniform to wear for their entire stay)
True or false: families were kept together in the workhouses
(Think carefully!!) What might you say to your friend during a difficult task in the workhouse?
Nothing! Workers were not allowed to speak to each other
Where might you go if you were too poor to support yourself, but did not have any debts?
The Workhouse
Define the word 'squalor'
Extremely dirty and unpleasant, especially as a result of poverty or neglect
If you were a poor child, what would you have to do?
Work in a farm or a factory
In what year did Charles Dickens write 'A Christmas Carol'?
The influx of workers meant that what had to happen?
Lots of houses had to be built very quickly
Workers moved from ________ to _________?
From farms/countryside to the city
What revolution was happening at the time?
Industrial revolution
Who ruled over England in the Victorian era?
Queen Victoria