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In Fellowship of the Rings, who do the hobbits meet for the first time when they arrive at the tavern in Bree?
Strider (Aragorn)
Aside from writing Star Wars, George Lucas is also credited for developing the concept for a character named Dr. Henry Walton Jones Jr., which was later developed into what cult-classic movie?
Indiana Jones
In Juno, what movie genre do Juno and her baby's adoptive father, Mark, bond over?
What is the name of the humanoid species that inhabits Pandora in Avatar?
The Na'vi
In Coraline, what animal does Mr. Bobinsky from upstairs train for his circus?
In Little Women, which of the four sisters is studying painting in Paris at the beginning of the movie?
In The Hunger Games, which character is only ever shown eating desserts or vegetables, due to the fact that the actor themselves is vegan?
Haymitch Abernathy (Woody Harrelson)
In order to protect it's release, this popular horror movie was shipped to cinemas under the name "POUND FOOLISH" - a literal opposite of the name of the main antagonist.
IT (Pound Foolish being opposite of Pennywise)
In Pitch Perfect, which character improvised almost all of their lines, frequently leaving the rest of the cast in stitches?
Rebel Wilson
Where is this quote from? "Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don't shoot their husbands"
Legally Blonde
In the Devil Wears Prada, Miranda Priestly's character is modeled after which real-life fashion editor?
Anna Winters
What is the name of the school dance that Katy Heron is grounded from going to in Mean Girls?
The Spring Fling
In Planet of the Apes, William Rodman is testing the drug ALZ-112 in an attempt to cure what disease?
In True Grit, how does fourteen year-old Mattie raise the money to hire Rooster to avenge her father?
Horse trading
In The Dark Knight Rises, what does Bane purchase that allows him to access Bruce Wayne's banking information and attack the Gotham Stock Exchange?
Bruce Wayne's fingerprints
After Gamora's ship was destroyed in Guardians of the Galaxy, what item did Quill give her so she would survive?
His Helmet
What is the name of Nina's counterpart, played by Mila Kunis, in Black Swan?
What character did Stan Lee appear as in his cameo in Deadpool?
A strip club DJ
In which movie does Charlize Theron play a rebel escaping a dystopian fortress?
Mad Max: Fury Road
In this movie based on a true story, Margot Robbie was trained and choreographed by the same person who trained and choreographed the real-life character that she was portraying
I, Tonya
This film broke the Guinness World Record for the most swearing in one movie: 681 expletives (equal to 3.81 swears per minute).
The Wolf of Wall Street
This 2017 movie is a favorite of Chance the Rapper. He loved the movie so much, that when it came out he bought out movie theaters so that people could see it for free.
Get Out
Mark Zuckerberg had never heard of an appletini before this film was released, featuring a scene with appletinis. Zuckerberg liked the drink so much, it is now the official drink of Facebook.
The Social Network
John Legend learned how to play guitar specifically for a role in this 2016 film
La La Land
At 3 hours and 30 minutes, this film released in 2019 was the longest film Martin Scorsese had ever directed and the longest mainstream film released in 20 years
The Irishman
In the movie "Inception", Dom uses a totem to "anchor" himself to reality. What is this totem, and who was it previously owned by?
A spinning top - his wife (Mal)
In Black Panther, what is the name of T'Challa's only sibling?