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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the primary website that we run into that does not allow us to put a pixel on it?
What are the 5 steps of the ad auction?
Opportunity, Retrieval, Ranking, Auction, Delivery
Which two items can you not change in your ad account? (or, you can change them, but the account will close and open a new one)
Time zone and currency
True or False: Micro Commitments allow you to set a tone towards action with the advertiser
When we are setting up next steps and gaining commitment from our advertisers we use the STAM Framework. What are the components of STAM?
Simple, Time-bound, Actionable, Measurable
To keep our advertisers engaged and focused on the call, we use the SING framework. What are the components of the SING Framework?
Summarise, Input, Next Steps, Gain Agreement
Where can you find resources to help you effectively handle clients campaign and potential performance related objections?
Knowledge Base
What is the Facebook Objection Handling Framework?
AQPC (Acknowledge, Question, Position, Check)
What is the Meta Value Proposition framework?
FAB - Features, Advantages, Benefits
True or False: "What do you think about the impact of this recommendation?" is an example of active voice
Budget conversations and recommendations should be... (3 items)
meaningful, data driven, and actionable.
What is the agenda setting framework?
POINT (Purpose, Outline, INput, Transition)
True or False: Frameworks are just scripts
Building trust is essential to a successful client relationship, what are the four (4) areas of the Trust Equation?
ARCC Framework: - Authority - Rapport - Reassurance - Credibility
What is the Meta voice deployed by our sales teams?
Simple, Straightforward, Human
What are the four (4) key areas of Facebook's Client First Engagement Model?
Know, Grow, Earn, and Show (How we show up)