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True or False: You can use any resource provided to you in training during your KC, including your own notes and the study guide answers
What must you disclose/ask before asking discovery questions?
- Verify Ad Account - Recorded Line Disclosure - Verify that the client is in front of a computer - Verify that they are a DM
If a business wanted to create a presence dedicated to their business on Facebook, what should they create?
A Facebook Page
What is Pitch Wizard?
Pitch Wizard is an interactive tool that helps you pitch the right topics to your client, and helps log your interaction — all in one interface
When does under delivery of an ad occur?
When an advertiser can't win enough ad auctions to spend their full budget by the end of a campaign
How does Facebook rank ads that are competing in an auction?
An ad's rank is determined based upon the advertiser's bid, the estimated action rate of the viewer, and the advertiser's relevance and quality scores.
If an advertiser is NOT using pacing but has set their bid too high, what will most likely occur?
They will run out of budget quickly and miss out on more cost-effective opportunities
Which of the following MUST an advertiser have in order to create a Lead Ad?
A privacy policy
True or False: You can use the Facebook pixel if you have your own website OR if you are using a partner integration
What is a lookalike audience?
New people who are similar to existing customers
Why is it important to assess and reflect the advertiser's level of sophistication?
To ensure that the explanation we give is adapted to their level of understanding and discuss strategies to their level
An Advertiser wants to create a campaign targeting people who had an item in their cart, but didn’t purchase it within the last week. How can they set up this targeting?
CreatCustom Audience made up of people who added an item to their cart in the last wk, excluding a Custom Audience made up of people who bought
If you change the ___ or ____ in your ad account, the account will be closed and a new one opened in it's place.
Time zone / currency
True or False: 85% is considered passing for each KC
An advertiser is struggling to find new customers, but they have success with their current costumer list. What should be recommended to that advertiser?
Lookalike Audience
What are the three stages of Facebook marketing funnel?
Awareness, Consideration, Conversion
What are the 3 key components to the Facebook voice?
Simple, Straightforward, Human
True or False: It is a best practice to divide your campaigns between IG and FB, and not run a single campaign directed at both platforms
Name 2 placements that we offer (for ad placement)
Desktop News Feed, Mobile News Feed, Right Column, Audience Network, Instagram, etc.
What is the Meta Pixel?
A piece of code that tracks visitors to a website based on their FB ID
True or False: Everyone is allowed 1 retake for each KC
True or False: An ad for a swimwear company showing the full body and face of women in bikinis is compliant with Meta's policies
True or False: Catalog Sales can be used to build brand awareness
False - it is much further down the funnel
What are the 4 P's of marketing?
Product, Price, Place, Promotion