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Conditionals Gataway Unit 7

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She didn’t go for a run because her knee hurt.
She would have gone for a run if her knee hadnt hurt
He didn’t learn to surf because he was afraid of water.
He would / might have learnt to surf if he hadnt been afraid of water
I didn’t sunbathe because I didn’t have any sun cream.
I would have sunbathed if I had had some sun cream
We didn’t play because we didn’t take rackets.
We would have played if we had had rackets
I didn’t swim because the water was cold.
I would have swum if the water hadnt been so cold
She missed the bus because she got up late.
She wouldn´t have missed the bus if she hadn´t got up late
He didn’t do sport because he didn’t have enough time yesterday.
He would have done sport if he had had enough time
She/not catch a cold/if/she/not go running in the rain.
woudnt have caught/ hadnt gone
If she ____________________ (injure) herself, she would have finished the race.
hadn´t injured
If he hadn’t lived near the mountains as a child, he ____________________ (not learn) to ski.
wouldn´t have learnt
If you ____________________ (not explain) the rules, I wouldn’t have known how to play.
hadn´t explained
We ____________________ (get) wet yesterday if it had rained.
would have got
If I ____________________ (be) able to buy tickets, I would have gone to the match.
had been
She ____________________ (become) ill if she hadn’t taken the medicine.
would have become
I would have played better if I ____________________ (practise) more.
had practised