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What animal did Merida turn her mother into in Brave?
A bear
What was Stitch's experiment number?
Which Grammy winner composed the Tarzan soundtrack?
Phil Collins
Russell belongs to which scouting organization in Up?
The Wilderness Explorers
Quasimodo was the bell ringer for which famous cathedral?
Notre Dame
What was the name of Ray's long lost love in The Princess and the Frog?
Who is Miguel's idol in Coco?
Ernesto De La Cruz
What name does Mulan pick for herself while pretending to be a man?
What high school did Troy and Gabriella attend in High School Musical?
East High School
Who said the quote "Fish are friends, not food"?
Bruce in Finding Nemo
What is the name of Remy's culinary hero in Ratatouille?
Chef Gusteau
Emperor Kuzco turns into what animal in The Emperors New Groove?
a llama
What is the name of Sleeping Beauty's prince?
Prince Phillip
Which Disney princess did musician Brandy portray in 1997?
There is an easter egg in Frozen showing another Disney Princess attending Elsa's coronation. Which princess was this?
What is the name of Mufasa's advisor in the Lion King?
How long was genie stuck in the lamp before Aladdin found him?
10,000 years
What is the name of the restaurant where Mike takes his girlfriend, Celia, for her birthday dinner in Monsters Inc?
What are the names of Hade's sidekicks in Hercules?
Pain & Panic
What is the name of Princess Ariel and Prince Eric's daughter?
Princess Melody
What are the names of Cinderella's stepsisters?
Anastasia & Drizella
How many brothers does Prince Hans of the Southern Isles have in Frozen?
What is the name of the toy store in Toy Story 2?
Al's Toy Barn
What is the name of Wendy's dog in Peter Pan?
What year did Disneyland open?