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gerund and infinitive (with a different meaning)

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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After her early teaching career she went on _________[become] a doctor.
After her early teaching career she went on to become a doctor.
I remember ___________[watch] this film before.
I remember watching this film before.
I want to try __________[study] with a friend to see if it helps us stay more motivated.
I want to try studying with a friend to see if it helps us stay more motivated.
Why don't you try ____________[use] a different shampoo?
Why don't you try using a different shampoo?
I don't remember __________[sign] a contract, and I would if I had done that.
I don't remember signing a contract, and I would if I had done that
Don't forget _______[call] your mom tonight. - I won't.
Don't forget to call your mom tonight. - I won't.
They don't want to dissapoint us. They can't let us in. | MEAN
We don’t mean to disappoint you, but I’m afraid we can’t let you in.
We didn't know who the murderer was but we wanted to find out. | TRY
We were trying to work out who the murderer was.
Running your own business must be expensive. It means a lot of money.
It means spending a lot of money.
The owner would like to keep the cinema and run it. | GO ON
The owner would like to go on running the cinema.
I went to the cinema last evening. I don't regret it.
I don’t regret going to the cinema last evening.
When Mark was driving, he needed to make a phone call. So he stopped.
Mark stopped to make a phone call.
Homer was studying. He went on through the night.
Homer went on studying through the night.
Natasha was unkind to Jessica. But she didn’t mean it.
Natasha didn't mean to be unkind to Jessica.
Mike once saw a spaceship. He’ll never forget it
He’ll never forget seeing spaceship.
Harriet didn’t think she could move the piano. She didn’t even try.
Harriet didn't even try to move the piano.
Tom and Nick had been playing cards for hours. But they went on with the game.
Tom and Nick went on playing cards.
Trevor didn’t ring Laura. He forgot.
Trevor forgot to ring Laura.