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Early Content Quiz

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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True or False: After we send the client a bluejeans screenshare link, we must pitch them a solution and offer to implement with them.
True or False: if your client cannot provide the Account ID, it is okay to verify by using other information, such as the account name or active campaigns
True or False: We always want to leave the client with "next steps" to complete before our next scheduled call
True or False: There are two recaps in the call flow
True or False: our objection handling process is to Acknowledge, Question, Position, and then Check
True or False: We only need to do discovery on a first call. All subsequent calls should be based on the knowledge from that first call.
True or False: We should always ask our client if they are using the Facebook Pixel
True or False: Not saying the recorded line disclosure on a certification call is an automatic fail
True or False: you must say the recorded line disclosure within 10 seconds of opening your call
True or False: If someone wanted to create a presence dedicated to their business on Facebook, they would make a Facebook Profile.
True or False: You cannot change the currency in your ad account unless you create another account
True or False: Slideshow allows us to use 2 or more scrollable images in our ad
True or False: you are able to also send your Facebook ads to SnapChat
True or False: You are able to also send your Facebook ads to Instagram
True or False: All advertisers are always able to target specific ages or genders exclusively if they wish
True or False: Lookalike audiences are always based off of a custom audience
True or False: you must sign up for benefits within 30 days of your hire date or wait until open enrollment
True or False: custom audiences are used for retargeting
True or False: a common use for pixel is retargeting people who have been to your webpage
True or False: Pixel is an analytics tool that allows you to measure the effectiveness of your advertising by understanding the actions people take on your website
True or False: you are allowed to run ads on Facebook for medical marijuana, as long as they are targeting a state where it is legal.
True or False: A company wanting to promote a video advertisement would be an example of a consideration campaign
True or False: Brand Awareness campaigns are about getting your brand top of mind to your audience
True or False: Consideration campaigns are used to drive a purchase.
True or False: The levels of ad creation are Campaign, Ad Set, and Ad
True or False: A good candidate for LWI is a chain of 30 bookstores advertising various offers in different locations
True or False: LWI is best used for businesses that are local and only have a single location
True or False: When a client has questions about ad policy, it is your responsibility to educate them on the policy in it's entirety.