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Conditionals/ Wishes/ Unreal past

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You had better take an umbrella with you. (WERE) If I __________________ an umbrella.
were you I would take
As long as you have a ticket, you¨ll be allow on the train. (NOT) Unless you have a ticket you ____________________________ on the train.
will not be allowed
You should have told me the truth. ( WOULD) It ____________________ if you had told me the truth.
would have been better 
I am afraid John won´t accept our offer. (WOULD) I wish ____________________________ our offer.
John would accept
She didn´t buy a ticket for the theatre, so she is not coming with us tonight. (IF) She would come with us tonight_____________________ a ticket for the theatre.
if she had bought 
It´s a pity you missed the performance. (HAD) I ___________________ the performance.
wish you had not missed
It would have been better if you hadn´t told her that. (ONLY) If ______________________ her that.
only you had not told
We should leave now if we want to get the bus. (TIME) It´s __________________ if we want to get the bus.
time we left
He shouldn´t have used my mug. (USED) I´d ____________________ my mug.
rather she hadn´t used
It would have been better if you had arrived on time. (ONLY) If ___________________________ on time.
only you had arrived 
You´d think she was a film star. (THOUGH) She behaves ____________________ a film star.
as though she was
I think you should have your hair cut. (WERE) If ________________ have my hair cut.
I were you I would
He didn´t go to the party because he didn´t know where it was. (KNOWN) If ____________ the party was, he would have gone.
he had known where
Jo was about to get on the train when she realised it was the wrong one. ( IF ) Jo would have got on the train ______________ it was the wrong one.
if she hadn´t/ had not realised