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Bilingual 3 Review

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How many books can you buy with $ 200.00 if one book costs $ 25.00?
You can buy 8 books.
If you have $ 50.00 and a pencil costs $ 4.00, how many pencils can you buy?
You can buy 12 pencils.
Give three examples of wild animals.
Personal answer.
Give three examples of farm animals.
Personal answer.
Where do pets live?
Pets live in a house/apartment.
What do we call animals that live in the forest or in the savanna?
We call them wild animals.
Give an example of a seed we can eat.
Personal answer.
What does the fruit do?
The fruit protects the seed.
Give an example of a flower we can eat.
Personal answer.
What do the leaves do?
The leaves make food for the plant.
Give one example of a trunk we can eat.
Personal answer.
What do the roots do?
The roots take in nutrients and water from the soil and hold the plant in place.
What are the parts of the plant?
They are roots, trunk/stem, leaf, flower, fruit, and seed.
How many parts of the plant are there?
There are six parts of the plant.
Give two examples of things that are not okay to do when you go to the beach.
Personal answer.
Give two examples of things that are okay to do when you go to the beach.
Personal answer.
Give an example of an animal that lives in the emergent layer.
Personal answer.
Give an example of an animal that lives in the canopy.
Personal answer.
Give an example of an animal that lives in the undergrowth.
Personal answer.
Give an example of an animal that lives in the forest floor.
Personal answer.
What are the layers in the rainforest?
The layers in the rainforest are forest floor, undergrowth, canopy, and emergent layer.
How many layers are there in the rainforest?
There are four layers in the rainforest.
What are the groups in the food pyramid?
Grains, vegetables, fruit, oils and sweets, milk, and meats and proteins.
How many groups are there in the food pyramid?
There are six groups in the food pyramid.