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A Question of Science 5

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How can we see things?
Light rays bounce off things and into our eyes
We have eyes. They take care of it
Light makes things apper
How long does the Moon take to orbit the Earth?
Almost a month
A year
A week
A night
What is your favorite phase of the Moon?
What do you prefer? Sunrise or sunset? Why?
Is the Moon a light source?
No, it's not. It just reflects sunlight
How long would it take for us to notice that the Sun turned off?
8 minutes and 20 second
We would notice immediately
It depends if I'm sleeping or not
8 hours
Do surfaces reflect 100% of the light that hits them?
No, they don't. Everything absorbs a bit of it.
Yes, they do.
Some of them, like mirrors
What happens when you look at your image in the mirror?
You look back to front
What is the speed of light?
300,000 KM PER HOUR
very fast
When you turn off the light, it completely disappears. True or false?
False. The energy stays in the room, but it moves too fast to see it.
Which statement is true?
Energy can't come from nowhere. It just changes its form
We can create energy
Some energies can be created. Some other can't
Which one is not a type of energy?
What is light?
It is another type of energy