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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Uncle Frank "I was planning to visit this weekend, but I won’t be able to come because I have the flu."
Uncle Frank "I had been planning to visit that weekend, but I wouldn't be able to come because he had the flu."
My boyfriend "I’m sorry I forgot about your birthday."
My boyfriend said that he was sorry he had forgotten about my birthday.
The auto mechanic "The car is ready, and you can pick it up any time you want."
The auto mechanic said that the car was ready, and you could pick it up any time you wanted.
The little girl down the street "I won’t be able to baby-sit this Saturday."
The little girl down the street said that she wouldn't be able to baby-sit that Saturday.
My boss "You don’t have to work overtime this week."
My boss told me that I don't have to work overtime that week.
The TV repairman "I can’t fix your TV"
The TV repairman said that he could fix your TV.
The woman from the furniture store "We can deliver your new sofa on Saturday."
The woman from the furniture store said that they could deliver your new sofa on Saturday.
Your sister in Seattle "I’ll call you again next week"
Your (my) sister in Seattle said that She would call you(me) again the following week
Your brother in Detroit "I’ve fallen in love".
Your (my) brother in Detroit said that he had fallen in love.
My niece Terry " I got a raise last month"
My niece Terry told me that she had gotten a raise the month before
My upstairs neighbors "We're going to move away"
My upstairs neighbors said that they were going to move away.
Aunt Margaret "I like my new apartment"
Aunt Margaret said that she liked her new apartment.
Robert "I'm doing very well in college this semester"
Robert said that he was doing well in college that semester.
Miguel and Maria "We are engaged"
Miguel and Maria said that they were engaged.