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Kitchen Randomness

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which cooking term means: to cut food into large evenly sized chunks
Which cooking term means: to beat rapidly to incorporate air and increase volume
Which cooking term means to: add flavor and spices
Which cooking term means to: to move ingredients in a circular motion
Which cooking term means: to bring an oven or broiler to desired heat before using
Which cooking term means to: heat a solid until it becomes a liquid
Name this piece of equipment:
Rolling Pin
Identify two ways to tell a fruit or vegetable should not be consumed?
Rot, dent, bruise, mold, fruit flies
What are the two things wrong with this image?
Spoon is in the handle of the pot while on & handle is hanging towards walkway
How is this an example of cross contamination?
Raw poultry and uncooked vegetables should never be on the same cutting board or cut using the same knife.
Name this piece of equipment:
Name this piece of equipment:
Rubber Scraper
Name this piece of equipment:
How many spoons are in a standard set of measuring spoons?
How do you abbreviate ounces?
How many cups are in a standard dry measuring cup set?
What would you use to measure 1/4 c. flour?
1/4 Dry Measuring Cup
Never place _______ in the sink.
When taking items out of the oven, be sure to use _________.
Oven Mitts or Pot Holders
When a recipe tells you to bake cookies for 11-14 minutes, how long do you set the timer for?
11 minutes
Botulism is found within _______ foods.
Never put _____ on a grease fire.
Wash your hand with soap in _____ water.
Always wash your hands for at least ______ seconds.
30 seconds
What piece of equipment should use to cut food on in the kitchen?
Cutting Board
What is an example of a moist/solid ingredient?
Brown Sugar, Peanut Butter, Cream Cheese, Mayo, Jelly, Fluff
What is an example of dry ingredient?
Answers will vary
What is wrong with this image?
Dry ingredients never get measure in a liquid measuring cup.
How many Tablespoons are in one stick of butter?
8 Tablespoons
How do you abbreviate Quart?
How many ounces in one cup?
Name this piece of equipment:
E. Coli originates from what?
Fecal Matter
Name this piece of equipment:
How many teaspoons are in one Tablespoon?