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8th Grade WW Lesson 3

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Simulate means...
to take on the qualities of another.
to suppose something without sufficient evidence.
to fail to do what is required.
to obtain through reasoning.
Derive means...
to take or receive from a source.
to do in a hurry.
to be clothed or covered.
to have a list of possessions or goods.
Succumb means...
to give up or give in.
to take on the qualities of others.
to suppose without sufficient evidence.
to remove water from.
Endeavor means...
to attempt earnestly.
to be cautious.
to cause shock or disgust.
to equip with electric power.
Recur means...
to come up again or happen again.
Spontaneity means a quality or condition of occurring in an unplanned way.
Instill means to gradually introduce or establish securely.
Prevalent means urgent or imperative.
Which vocab word means to surround?
Who was the first to publish an anthology of folk tales?
The Grimm brothers, Jacob and Wilhelm.
The invention of writing more than 5000 years ago was _________ in human history.
What words do most folk tales or children stories begin with?
Once upon a time...
Folk tales come from every part of the globe, and __________ the whole of human experience.
What do you call an event that was vitally important or significant?
The 8th grade boy tried to __________ himself from the difficult situtation.
Imperative means to modify or make changes.
In the picture stood four ______________ of Mr. Werner's family.
What would you call a person's usual mood or temperament?
Encompass could mean to include.
A conjecture is a conclusion based on guesswork.
Is "anonymus" spelled correctly?