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Kitchen Equipment

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Used to mix ingredients together. Involves the use of "beaters"
Electric Hand Mixer
Used to flip food items
Used to transfer liquid into various containers
Used to bake food items on
Baking Sheet
Used to cut small fruits and vegetables
Pairing Knife
Used to serve soups & chili's
Used to bake cupcakes or muffins
Muffin Pan
Used to cut large food items
Chefs Knife
Used to add air to food items and to remove clumps
Used to lift food from hot oil or water
Used to remove hot items from the oven
Pot Holders or Oven Mitts
Used to brush liquid onto baked food items
Pastry Brush
Used to drain liquid from foods
Used to level off dry ingredients
Flat Level Spatula
Used to cut-in flour and butter within recipes
Pastry Blender
Used when mixing to add air to ingredients
Used to grate foods into small particles
Used to flatten dough
Rolling Pin
Used to measure ingredients smaller than 1/4 cup
Measuring Spoons
Used to measure liquid ingredients
Liquid Measuring Cup
Used to measure dry or moist/solid ingredients
Dry Measuring Cups
Used to cut food items on
Cutting Board
Used to remove the outer layer of fruits or vegetables
Used to scrap bowls, stir ingredients and combine mixtures.
Rubber Scraper