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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When the semester is over, I'm going on vacation for two weeks. I'm nervous about leaving the house empty for that long. A: I'm not sure that's the best way to do it. B: I suggest that you ask the neighbors to check the house.
B: I suggest that you ask the neighbors to check the house.
Poor Jim. He's studied hard all day without a break. A: We should bring him some snacks. B: We saw Jim last week. C: That was really difficult.
We should bring him some snacks
I've been working on this design all day. I'm bored. A: Let's take a break. B: That's a good suggestion. C: I'm not sure I agree.
A: Let's take a break
We've tried everywhere to find these shoes. No store has a single pair. A: Why can't we? B: How about looking online? C:That seems like a great idea.
B How about looking online?
A:I couldn't find those new sneakers in any store. B:That's not surprising. There's a very limited demand/supply/stock.
A: I just contacted the factory and doubled the order for this design. B: Good. That should help/ to help / helping us with the rising demand.
Google remains the ___________ search engine in most parts of the world.
The company will ____________ the newest version of their software next April.
Online stores are responsible for the __________ availability of these products. a) primary b) dominant c) widespread
Young men between 18 and 25 are the _______________ customers for these shoes.
We'll need to order more of these dresses. Our current _________ is quite low.
The increase in sales __________ how much customers love our new product. a) demosntrates b) designs
In the past, he mostly created designs for the sportwear _______ , but now he is also designing watches and other jewelry.
The ________ for energy will increase as the population grows.
The jacket is a _________ example of the designer's best work.
She read a_______ of the company to prepare for her job interview.