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After the enzyme and substrate bind together and perform the reaction, what does the substrate become?
A product
What enzyme that can break down the protein into amino acids?
Significantly changing the pH the enzyme is exposed to will cause the enzyme to _____________.
Where do substrates bind to an enzyme?
Active site
What is the purpose of an enzyme?
to speed up the reaction
Any substance that is acted upon by an enzyme is called a(n)?
Enzymes are composed of what organic molecule?
List five factors affecting enzyme activity.
temperature, pH, substrate concentration
Which represents the enzyme, lock or key?
_______________ is a biological catalyst
A _________ is a chemical that can make a chemical reation happen faster or more efficiently.
What is an enzyme substrate complex?
The combination of the enzyme and the chemical that goes inside of it.
If the substrate is fat then the chemicals labeled A and B would be _________.
Glycerol and fatty acid
True or False: Metabolic reactions will destroy an enzyme. Thus every chemical reaction in your body requires a brand new enzyme.
False! Enzymes are not "used up" by the chemical reactions they facilitate.
A is _________
the enzyme's active site. The substrate fits into it.