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"Back to school" Legal English game

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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At the end of your ... contract you may apply for admission as a solicitor. apprenticeship training pupilage practising
At the end of your TRAINING contract you may apply for admission as a solicitor.
A barrister has right of ... in any court in England and Wales. attendance appearance audience awesomeness
A barrister has right of AUDIENCE in any court in England and Wales.
Our legal firm is ... in Bratislava. residing based headquarters founded
Our legal firm is BASED in Bratislava.
The court determined the defendant should pay the legal ... fees costs expenses outgoings
The court determined the defendant should pay the legal COSTS.
Plaintiff and defendant in litigation (e.g. divorce proceedings) are called "claimant" and "..." party client advocate respondent
Plaintiff and defendant in litigation (e.g. divorce proceedings) are called "claimant" and "RESPONDENT"
"To ... someone to court" is the same as "to sue someone". bring take appear throw
"To TAKE someone to court" is the same as "to sue someone".
Mr Black invested his lawyer with complete power to ... for him. do act commit make
Mr Black invested his lawyer with complete power to ACT for him.
Alf has been receiving ... pay since the accident. ill hospital sick nasty
Alf been receiving SICK pay since the accident.
The concept of negligence is close to that of ... carefulness carelessness redundancy carrots
The concept of negligence is close to that of CARELESSNESS
Damaged goods ... also called faulty goods. are is am sind
Damaged goods ARE also called faulty goods.
Your solicitor's main job will be ... - the legal transfer of ownership of your new home. litigation conveyancing no win-no fee proceedings
Your solicitor's main job will be CONVEYANCING - the legal transfer of ownership of your new home.
When a solicitor passes all their exams, they become a ... attorney bailiff barrister bartender
When a solicitor passes all their exams, they become a BARRISTER.
The ... and the tenant signed the tenancy agreement. vendor lessee landlord ladybird
The LANDLORD and the tenant signed the tenancy agreement.
Wilson, our former colleague, was claiming compensation for ... wrongful death negligence redundancy unfair dismissal
Wilson, our former colleague, was claiming compensation for UNFAIR DISMISSAL.
We have evidence to substantiate the ... against him. grouns issues allegations obligations
We have evidence to substantiate the ALLEGATIONS against him.