Edit Game
Sound Practice

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Make a sentence or tell a story
Sentence with 'golf'
Make a sentence or tell a story
Sentence with 'roof'
Make a sentence or tell a story
Sentence with 'elf'
Make a sentence or tell a story
Sentence with 'laugh'
Make a sentence or tell a story
Sentence with 'giraffe'
Make a sentence or tell a story
Sentence with 'woof'
Make a sentence or tell a story
Sentence with 'beef'
Make a sentence or tell a story
Sentence with 'loaf'
Make a sentence or tell a story
Sentence with 'hoof'
Make a sentence or tell a story
Sentence with 'leaf'
Make a sentence or tell a story
Sentence with 'push up'
Make a sentence or tell a story
Sentence with 'crash'
Make a sentence or tell a story
Sentence with 'push'
Make a sentence or tell a story
Sentence with 'cash'
Make a sentence or tell a story
Sentence with 'wash'
Make a sentence or tell a story
Sentence with 'leash'
Make a sentence or tell a story
Sentence with 'brush'
Make a sentence or tell a story
Sentence with 'mash'
Make a sentence or tell a story
Sentence with 'Dash'
Make a sentence or tell a story
Sentence with 'dish' (or 'chef')
Make a sentence or tell a story
Sentence with 'flip'
Make a sentence or tell a story
Sentence with 'fly'
Make a sentence or tell a story
Sentence with 'flat'
Make a sentence or tell a story
Sentence with 'floor'
Make a sentence or tell a story
Sentence with 'flee'
Make a sentence or tell a story
Sentence with 'floss'
Make a sentence or tell a story
Sentence with 'float'
Make a sentence or tell a story
Sentence with 'flake'
Make a sentence or tell a story
Sentence with 'flame'
Make a sentence or tell a story
Sentence with 'flower'
Make a sentence or tell a story
Sentence with 'storm'
Make a sentence or tell a story
Sentence with 'stamp'
Make a sentence or tell a story
Sentence with 'starfish'
Make a sentence or tell a story
Sentence with 'stairs'
Make a sentence or tell a story
Sentence with 'stage'
Make a sentence or tell a story
Sentence with 'stop'
Make a sentence or tell a story
Sentence with 'steam'
Make a sentence or tell a story
Sentence with 'star'
Make a sentence or tell a story
Sentence with 'steer'
Make a sentence or tell a story
Sentence with 'stool'