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What is the name for a group of king cobras?
A quiver
How many elephants can a cobra kill with 1 bite?
What noises do cobras make to defend themselves?
a hiss/a moan
What do female king cobras build to take care of their babies?
a nest
What do King cobras mostly eat?
other snakes
What bird works together in groups to kill monocled cobras, and sometimes king cobras too?
How tall can a king cobra lift themselves off the ground?
6ft/1/3 of their height
Why do cobras yawn?
To stretch their mouths and bodies ready to eat
Do cobras close their eyes when they sleep?
No, they have no eyelids
The King Cobra is the _______________ venemous snake in the world
What part of the body is a cobras hood?
What is the biggest and most dangerous predator for cobras?
Where is a monocled cobras natural habitat?
Grasslands, scrublands, swamps, forests, and farmlands
How big in CM is a monocled cobra?
How long do monocled cobras live?
13-20 years
In which countries can we find monocled cobras?
India, China, Vietnam, and Cambodia, as well as Malaysia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar, Laos, Nepal, and Thailand.