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Advertising and selling

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name the logo.
Name the logo.
Name the logo
Who is this celebrity?
Brad Pitt
Who is this celebrity?
Selena Gomez
Who is this celebrity?
Ariana Grande
Make public a series of things such as adverts or commercials that try to persuade a person to buy a product.
launch a marketing campaign
Large boards used for advertisements in an outside public place, usually by roads.
Unexpected phone calls by someone trying to sell you something.
cold calls
People talking to each other about and recommending a product.
word-of-mouth publicity
Things given to you that you don't have to pay for.
An advertisement on a website.
The name that a company chooses for its particular product or groups of products.
An image used to represent a brand =  __ __ __ __.
Which company uses this slogan: "It's finger lickin' good."
Which company uses this slogan: “There are some things money can’t buy. For everything else, there’s ...."
What is the slogan of Nike?
Just do it.
What is the slogan of Disneyland?
The happiest place on Earth.
Do you think that there are too many advertisements on billboards, on buildings, etc?
How often are you encouraged by an advert to buy something, or to go somewhere?
Do you think that adverts on tv influence us more that those on the radio?
When it comes to brands, do you think that a better brand means better quality?
Name 3 different places where you can see adverts.
Do you think most products are necessary or unnecessary? Defend your opinion. Then give 1 example of an unnecessary product.
Talk about the effects of advertisement on children. (Your opinions, psychological effects, restrictions, laws, etc.)
Would you advertise for a clothing brand that was known to dump clothing waste into the oceans if they gave you a million dollars every year to advertise them on your social media?
Companies usually pay celebrities to __ __ __ __ __ __ __ their products.
Name 3 fashion companies.
Zara, Gucci, Khelf...
Name 3 car companies.
Toyota, Chevrolet, Audi...
Name 3 fast food chains.
BK, Mc, KFC, Subway...