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Making request

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Your room is a mess. You don't want to clean it by yourself. (to your mum)
Mum, would you mind cleaning up my room, please?
You want to ask a favour. (to your friend)
Could you do me a favour, please?
You want to go hiking and would love to take pictures. You don't have a camera, but your friend has one.(to Peter)
Peter, will you lend me your camera, please?
You are eating in a restaurant and your dish is not very spicy, you need some salt. (to your dad)
Dad, pass me the salt please!
You want to make a cake, but there aren't enough eggs at home. Your little brother loves going shopping. (to your little bro)
Peter, can you do the shopping for me?
You have problems with Maths and there is a test coming next week. You really need some help. (to a friend)
Peter, would you mind helping me with Maths?
You are travelling on a train and a window is open, it's really cold. You want it to get shut. (to a passenger)
Excuse me, do you mind closing the window, please?
During doing homework at school, you want to check a page in a book. You need to get the book from somebody. (to classmate)
Peter, will you lend me your book, please?
You are in an unknown town, looking for the post office. (to a local inhabitant)
Excuse me, could you possibly show me the way to the post office, please?
You are carrying heavy bags and can't open the door. (to a passer-by)
Can you please open the door for me?
I want to travel to Japan, but I am afraid of going alone. (to a friend)
Peter, could you come with me?