Edit Game
ET 3 PT 1 Review

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Use the correct grammar to complete the sentence: My school will have bazaar next week. I _______ (perform) at the bazaar.
will perform
Use the correct grammar to complete the sentence: My mother is a doctor. Everyday, she ______ (examine) her patients.
Use the correct grammar to complete the sentence: Right now, I am helping the librarian. She ______ (organize) the books
is organizing
Use the correct grammar to complete the sentence: Everyone in the hospital is very busy right now. The doctors ______ (take care of) the patients
are taking care of
Look at the picture. Make a sentence using 'never' to describe the picture
Use always/often/sometimes/never to complete the sentence: Dino eats rice everyday. He _______ eats rice for breakfast.
Use the correct grammar to complete the sentence: I visited Grandma's house last weekend. There ________ (was/were) rice fields.
Use the correct grammar to complete the sentence: Every night, Rara and Elsa __________ (do) homework before they go to bed
Use the correct grammar to complete the sentence: Last weekend, Cassie didn't go anywhere. She ______ (was/were) at home, helping her mother.
Use the correct grammar to complete the sentence: My sister and I ______ (was/were) at grandma's house yesterday
Use the correct grammar to complete the sentence: Every morning, Didiet _______ (wake up) at 05:00
wakes up
Use the correct grammar to complete the sentence: Every Monday, I _________ (attend) an English Class