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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I would do that hike again in the blink of an eye-lid! - A I'll bet. B Hardly. C Honestly? D Absolutely. E You can say that again.
C Honestly?
Does this colour suit me? - A I'll bet. B Hardly. C Honestly? D Absolutely. E You can say that again.
D Absolutely.
Do you think I am taking advantage if i leave 30 mins earlier? - A I'll bet. B Hardly. C Honestly? D Absolutely. E You can say that again.
B Hardly.
I'd booked a seat, but they said I couldn't board the plane. I was furious. – A I'll bet. B Hardly. C Honestly? D Absolutely. E You can say that again.
A I'll bet.
When you buy a coffee machine, you expect it to work properly. – A I'll bet. B Hardly. C Honestly? D Absolutely. E You can say that again.
D Absolutely.
Why do people go on vacation? To feel threatened and stressed? – A I'll bet. B Hardly. C Honestly? D Absolutely. E You can say that again.
B Hardly.
We could fry an egg on the sidewalk, it's a pretty hot day. A I'll bet. B Hardly. C Honestly? D Absolutely. E You can say that again.
E You can say that again.
From an audience of more than 3,000 people, the magician chose me. – A I'll bet. B Hardly. C Honestly? D Absolutely. E You can say that again.
C Honestly?
He wouldn't like to stay for dinner, ………………………?
would he
She didn't happen to say when she would be working, ………………….?
did she
He's the one that married his childhood sweetheart, …………………?
isn't he
You used to be a very fast runner, ………………….?
didn't you
We should hurry up, …………………..?
shouldn't we
You haven't seen my purse, ……………………….?
have you
I'm allowed to go to the party, ……………………?
aren't I?
I should call him, a. should I? b. he shouldn't c. shouldn't I
c. shouldn't I
We won't need to make a presentation, a. won’t I? b. I imagine. c. will I?
b. I imagine.
They will give us our dues, a. hopefully. b. isn’t it? c. would they?
c. would they?
She has left the company, a. isn’t she? b. mainly? c. presumably.
c. presumably.
He is coming, a. was he? b. he isn’t? c. isn't he?
c. isn't he?