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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When he was young, he ..... swim very well. He won medals and championships!
Mum said I ..... bring my friends over, but I ..... clean the house first.
could / had to
Our parents ..... use computers to do their homework, so they ..... go to the library.
couldn't / had to
The doctor said Sheila ..... quit smoking if she wanted to take part in the marathon.
had to
He ..... wash the car after the week they spent at the beach.
had to
The girls had behaved so badly that they ..... go to the party in the end.
My little sister said I ..... help her with her homework because she ..... do it on her own.
didn't have to / could
Luckily I ..... wait long for an X-ray.
didn't have to
The fridge was full so I ..... do the shopping.
didn't have to
The doctor said I ..... walk until my ankle healed.
They ..... go to the cinema last night because they ..... take care of their baby.
couldn't / had to
It snowed all weekend, I'm glad I ..... go out!
didn't have to
Before washing machines were invented people ..... do the laundry by hand.
had to
My girlfriend ..... take me to the hospital in her car because calling an ambulance was too expensive.
had to
We ..... have visitors in the afternoon as long as they left before 9 p.m.
When I was in hospital I ..... get out of bed on my own, so I had to ask the nurses for help.
I ..... stay in hospital long, only a couple of days.
didn't have to
I ..... take tablets for a long time to treat my infection.
had to
Back then there was no electricity and people ..... use electricity and oil lamps.
had to
It was raining cats and dogs, so I ..... take an umbrella.
had to
We ..... get to the meeting on time yesterday because the train was delayed by one hour.
Before the invention of refrigeration, people ..... keep fresh food for very long before it went bad.