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Diary of a Wimpy Kid - Rodrick Rules P6

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Greg ended up showing that he could be a good brother after all.
The story Rodrick told his friends got twisted and Greg became really popular the following day.
The secret was related to Greg being caught up in the women's bathroom and taken out by the security of the condo.
Rodrick said that everything was Greg’s fault because he didn’t record as he was asked.
Rodrick’s band was paired up with Harry Gibertson from first grade.
After 2 hours and a half, the organizers of the talent show decided to speed things up and have 2 acts at the same time.
Frank's boss was unhappy to see him in Rodrick's van.
It doesn't say.
Rodrick wants to leave school and dedicate himself to his band and music.
Greg will try to get the cartoonist job for the school paper with his comic strip 'zoo wee mama'
Greg will fill in Rowley’s place in the talent show try out.
Mrs Douglas has three children: Scotty and his two sisters.
It doesn't say.
Rowley broke his big toe because of Greg’s prank.
Rowley and Greg couldn’t see horror movies so they played video games.
It looked like a great weekend at first until Leland came and blew it.
Dad went bananas listening to Rodrick's band rehearse every day.