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History Review 1

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The Great Wall was built by _________, ________ , _______ and other people that the emperor decided to punish.
peasants, slaves, criminals
King Ramkamhaeng hung a ______ at the opening of the gate.
In 1238, two Thai _____ founded the first Thai Kingdom in Sukhothai.
British warships marched along the __________ stream to search Bo Myat Htun's defence fort.
Da Nu Byu
The Great Wall of China is ______ tall and ______ wide.
33 feet, 15 feet
The Great Wall of China is ________ long.
5500 miles
________ founded the Qin dynasty.
Qin Shihaung Ti
Sukhothai period was well known the _________ of Thai history.
golden era
There were ________ periods in Thai history.
Maung Aung Zeya became the king at the age of ______.
Maha Bandoola was awarded the _________ of Ahlone.
Who were the parents of Maha Bandoola?
U Pauk Taw and Daw Nyein
Alaung Min Ta Ya Gyi's native village was________.
Qin dynasty lasted only _______ years.
Thai people founded their kingdom in ________ of China.
Maha Bandoola was born in __________.
Nga-pa-yin village, Budalin township