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Can You Compare? soraya

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The Brother / intelligent / his sisters
The brother is more intelligent than his sisters.
My pencil - small - a new pencil
My pencil is smaller than a new pencil
Snake / dangerous / dog
A snake is more dangerous than a dog.
Dolphins are ____ (intelligent) than starfish.
Dolphins are more intelligent than  starfish.
A sea horse is - colourful -  a whale
A sea horse is more colourful than  a whale
A shark - dangerous -  a jellyfish.
more dangerous
Superman - strong - Batman.
Superman is stronger than Batman
Hippo / big / fish
A hippo is bigger than a fish.
Chair / short / tree
The chair is shorter than the tree.
Giraffe / tall / monkey
The giraffe is taller than the monkey.
A car - fast - bike.
A car is faster than a bike.
This monster - ugly - Dracula.
This monster is uglier  than Dracula
The snail is __ (slow) than the rabbit.
The snail is slower than the rabbit
Sponge Bob is ___ (thin) than Patrick.
Sponge Bob is thinner than  Patrick.
This cat is ___ (pretty) than my cat.
Patrick. prettier than  my cat.
Homer is _____ (fat) than Marge.
Homer is  fatter than Marge