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Compare the animals - soraya

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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the giraffe's neck - long - the man's neck
Tgiraffe's neck is longER THAN the man's neck
The buffalo - fast - the people
The buffalo is fastER THAN the people
The rhino - dangerous - the man
The rhino is MORE dangerous THAN the man
The cheetah - fast - the deer
The cheetah is fastER THAN the deer
The lions - dtrong - the man
The lions are strongER THAN the man
The lamb - angry - the chicken
The lamb is angriER THAN the chicken
The bird - crazy - the dog
The bird is craziER THAN the dog
The spider - small - the dog
The spider is smallER THAN the dog.
The shark -  big  - the clownfish
The shark is bigGER THAN the clownfish
The penguin - small - the sea lion
The penguin is smallER THAN the sea lion.
The girl - tall - the dog
The girl is tallER THAN the dog.
The goat - strong- the cat
The goat  is strongER THAN the cat.
The cat  - strong - the mouse.
The cat  is strongER THAN the mouse.
The monkey - old - the lion
The monkey is  oldER THAN the lion
The tortoise - strong - the chicken
The tortoise is stronGER THAN the chicken
The cheetah - aggressive - the dog
The cheetah is MORE aggressive THAN the dog.
the dolphin - intelligent - the cat
the dolphin is MORE intelligent THAN the cat
The lizard - calm - the cat
The lizard is calmER THAN the cat
The cat - curious - the frog
The cat is MORE curious THAN the frog
The dolphin - intelligent - the dog
The dolphin is MORE intelligent THAN the dog
The lion - curious - the warthog
The lion is MORE curious THAN the warthog
The dog - friendly - the cat
The dog is friendliER THAN the cat
The dog - tired - the cat
The dog is MORE tired THAN the cat.
The dog - light - the tortoise
The dog is lightER THAN the tortoise