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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Solar energy, wind energy and hydroelectricity are examples of ________.
Renewable energy.
The Japanese recycle more than half of their useless paper. (a synonym for useless)
The Japanese recycle more than half of their waste paper.
Steel, oil, corn, grain, gasoline, forest resources, plastic, natural gas and coal are exemples of _________ .
Raw material
Say in English: Ao invés de pensar no futuro como uma força imparável, as pessoas podem molda-lo.
Instead of thinking of the future as an unstoppable force, people can shape it.
People who watched TED talks...end up shifting their view of the future. What's the meaning of shifting?
Shifting is moving, changing.
In 2011, Kylie Dunn, a writer from Australia decided to shake up her life. What does it mean?
She decided to change, reorganize her live.
Projects / Goals / Experiences are events that happen to you.
Experiences are events that happen to you.
A(n) attitude / impact / project is carefully planned work that has a special purpose.
A(n) project is carefully planned work that has a special purpose.
A synonym for turn out: happens / impacts / inspire
A synonym for turn out: happens
Something that is project / personal / goal is related to one person or thng.
Something that is personal is related to one person or thng.
Many people have experiences/goals/impact or objectives that they want to accomplish in their lives.
Many people have goals or objectives that they want to accomplish in their lives.
Complete with sequency words: TED ____ began to put videos of TED talks on the Internet. Five years ____...
TED first began to put videos of TED talks on the Internet. Five years later...