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B1 Open World Unit 9

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Complete the passive sentence // A problem with the electrical system caused the fire. The fire ............ a problem with the electrical system.
The fire was caused by a problem with the electrical system.
Complete the passive sentence // The teacher didn't tell us about the school trip.
We weren't told about the school trip.
Complete the passive sentence // They don't sell crisps in the school shop now.
Crisps aren't sold in the school shop now.
Complete the passive sentence // The school spends a lot of money on new books.
A lot of money is spent on new books.
Complete the passive sentence // A famous actor opened the show. The show ...............
The show was opened by a famous actor
Complete the passive sentence // Paul and Mel's parents sent them to a private school. Paul and Mel .................. to a private school.
Paul and Mel were sent to a private school.
Rewrite the sentences using the present or past passive // We don’t eat meat every day.
Meat isn’t eaten (by us) every day.
Rewrite the sentences using the present or past passive // Harry didn’t steal your bicycle.
Your bicycle wasn’t stolen by Harry.
Rewrite the sentences using the present or past passive // They asked us to switch off our mobile phones during the exam.
We were asked to switch off our mobile phones during the exam.
Rewrite the sentences using the present or past passive // Did anyone see the answers?
Were the answers seen by anyone?
Rewrite the sentences using the present or past passive // Dad sold his old car last week.
Dad’s old car was sold last week.
Rewrite the sentences using the present or past passive // They make rules to be obeyed.
Rules are made to be obeyed.
Rewrite the sentences using the present or past passive // Our teachers prepare us for our exams very well.
We are prepared for our exams very well by our teachers.
Rewrite the sentences using the present or past passive // The gardener cut down my favourite tree.
My favourite tree was cut down by the gardener.
Complete with the past passive // The date of the exam .......... at the last minute so a lot of students weren’t there. (change)
was changed
Complete with the past passive // I’m very upset because I .......... to Anne’s graduation party. (not invite)
wasn't invited
Complete with the past passive // Why do we have to study plays that .......... hundreds of years ago? (write)
was written
Complete with the past passive // Nothing .......... about John’s behaviour so nobody knew what he had done. (say)
was said
Complete with the past passive // David .......... the opportunity to study in the USA but he decided not to accept. (offer)
was offered
Complete with the past passive // The exam results .......... last week. (announce)
were announced
Complete with the present passive // When ..........you to do something, you should do it. (tell)
are told
Complete with the present passive // When you .......... to do something, you should do it. (tell)
are told
Complete with the present passive // We .......... to see the exam questions in advance. (not allow)
aren't allowed
Complete with the present passive // We .......... so much homework by our English teacher. (give
are given
Complete with the present passive // A lot of the world’s coffee .......... in South America. (grow)
is grown
Complete with the present passive // How many emails.......... every day? (send)
are sent