Edit Game
B1 Open World Unit 11

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Have something done // My parents (..........) their health (..........) every year. (CHECK)
have / checked
Have something done // We want to (..........) the furniture (..........) tomorrow morning. (DELIVER)
have / delivered
Have something done // We (..........) our car (..........) at the moment so we can’t pick you up. (REPAIR)
‘re having / repaired
Have something done // I (..........) just (..........) some curtains (..........) for my bedroom. (MAKE)
have / had / made
Have something done // (..........) you (..........) your hair (..........) next week? (CUT)
Are / going to have / cut
Have something done // We (..........) the kitchen (..........) last week. It looks much brighter now. (PAINT)
had / painted
Join the two sentences using a relative pronoun // Did you enjoy the DVD? I lent it to you last week?
Did you enjoy the DVD which / that I lent you last week?
Join the two sentences // The house is very old. I have just bought it.
The house which / that I have just bought is very old.
Join the two sentences // We live near the village. I was born there.
We live near the village where I was born.
Join the two sentences // We’re looking after a dog. Its owner is away for a week.
We’re looking after a dog whose owner is away for a week.
Join the two sentences // The book was very interesting. I have just read a book.
The book that I have just read was very interesting.
Join the two sentences // Julia is a teacher. She is our neighbour.
Julia, who is our neighbour, is a teacher.
That’s the woman (THAT / WHOSE) children are always playing loud music.
I enjoyed the times (WHEN / WHERE) we used to stay with our cousins.
Have I ever taken you to the place (WHICH / WHERE) I grew up?
Maria’s flat, (WHICH / WHO) sold for £300,000, is really beautiful.
The heater (WHAT / THAT) I bought last week has already broken.
Laura, (WHO / THAT) lives next door to me, is a really good friend.
You can put smaller items of clothing in this.
chest of drawers
You can put one on your sofa or armchair.
You sleep under this on your bed and it will keep you warm.
You can use this piece of furniture to display things.
You throw your rubbish into this.
You heat water in this to make tea or coffee.
You turn this on to get hot or cold water
You hang your clothes in this in your bedroom.
Our house is near the town centre so it’s very (CONVENIENT / COSY) for the shops and restaurants
My grandparents’ home is very (TERRACED / OLD FASHIONED) as they haven’t changed anything since they moved in 40 years ago!
old fashioned
Our flat is (BRAND NEW / TERRACED) so nobody has lived here before us.
brand new
We have a very small house with small windows so it’s very (BRAND NEW / COSY)
Jo lives in a (TERRACED / CONVENIENT) house which means that there is no space between her house and her neighbours’.
It’s hard to live in a (BLOCK OF FLATS / BUSINESS DISTRICT / SUBURBS / TOP FLOOR / TWO-STOREY HOUSE)  if your neighbours are noisy
block of flats
They live on the (BLOCK OF FLATS / BUSINESS DISTRICT / SUBURBS / TOP FLOOR / TWO-STOREY HOUSE) which is great as there’s nobody living above them.
top floor
There are a lot of office blocks and banks in the (BLOCK OF FLATS / BUSINESS DISTRICT / SUBURBS / TOP FLOOR / TWO-STOREY HOUSE) of any big city.
business district
My parents live in a (BLOCK OF FLATS / BUSINESS DISTRICT / SUBURBS / TOP FLOOR / TWO-STOREY HOUSE) with three bedrooms upstairs.
two storey house
We live in the (BLOCK OF FLATS / BUSINESS DISTRICT / SUBURBS / TOP FLOOR / TWO-STOREY HOUSE) so it’s too far to walk into town.