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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Nora hardly ever calls her mother.(should)
Nora should call her mother more often.
He never exercises. (should)
He should exercise.
They aren't careful with their reports. (should)
They should be careful with their reports.
She doesn't get enough vitamins.(should)
She should get more vitamins.
Mr. Roberts doesn't pay attention to the news. (should)
Mr. Roberts should pay attention to the news.
My classmates don't study hard. (should)
My classmates should study hard/harder.
The cashier never gives the correct change. (should)
The cashier should give the correct change.
My friend doesn't go to bed before 2:00 am. (should)
My friend should go to bed before 2:00 am. / My friend should go to bed earlier.
My neighbor doesn't speak to the people in the neighborhood. (should)
My neighbor should speak to the people in the neighborhood.
My coworker never eats lunch. (should)
My coworker should start eating lunch.
study / before your final exams (had better)
You had better study before your final exams.
concentrate / during class (had better)
You had better concentrate during class.
do / your homework / right after school (ought to)
You ought to do your homework right after school.
read / a chapter / a night (ought to)
You ought to read a chapter of a book a night.
ignore / friends who try to talk to you / during class (should)
You should ignore your friends that try to talk to you during class.
ask your teachers for help / after class (should)
You should ask your teachers for help after class
get / eight hours of sleep / every night (should)
You should get eight hours of sleep every night