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B1 Open World Unit 7
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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Write the direct questions as reported questions // 'What will you do if you miss the last bus?' (My sister asked.....)
My sister asked (me) what I would do if I missed the last bus.
Write the direct questions as reported questions // 'How will you get home?' (My brother asked.....)
My brother asked (me) how I would get home.
Write the direct questions as reported questions // 'What time will you be back?' (My mum asked.....)
My mum asked (me) what time I would be back.
Write the direct questions as reported questions // 'Do I know who you're going with?' (My dad asked.....)
My dad asked (me) if / whether he knew who I was going with.
Write the direct questions as reported questions // 'Are you going with anyone?' (My sister asked.....)
My sister asked (me) If / whether I was going with anyone / someone.
Write the direct questions as reported questions // 'What are you going to do there?' (My brother asked.....)
My brother asked (me) what I was going to do there.
Write the direct questions as reported questions // 'Where are you going?' (My dad asked.....)
My dad asked (me) where I was going.
Write the direct questions as reported questions // 'Why are you wearing your best clothes?' (My Mum asked.....)
My Mum asked (me) why I was wearing my best clothes.
Rewrite the reported sentences as direct questions // I asked my brother if he had tried to phone me.
'Did you try to phone me?' OR 'Have you tried to phone me?'
Rewrite the reported sentences as direct questions // Jan wanted to know who my favourite actor was.
'Who's your favourite actor?'
Rewrite the reported sentences as direct questions // We asked a policeman if he could tell us where the station was.
'Can you tell us where the station is?' OR 'Where's the station?'
Rewrite the reported sentences as direct questions // I asked Veronica if she could come to my party that evening.
'Can you come to my party this evening / tonight Veronica?'
Rewrite the reported sentences as direct questions // Sasha wanted to know what we'd done the day before.
'What did you do yesterday?'
Rewrite the reported sentences as direct questions // Alex asked if anyone had found his keys.
Has anyone found my keys?'
Rewrite the reported sentences as direct questions // Helen asked me if I was enjoying my new course.
'Are you enjoying your new course?'
Rewrite the reported sentences as direct questions // They asked me why I was there.
'Why are you here?'
Write the statements and commands as reported speech // 'Don't drink any more coffee!' (He told Max.....)
He told Max not to drink any more coffee.
Write the statements and commands as reported speech // 'We went to Italy for our holiday last year'. (They said.....)
They said (that) they'd been to Italy for their holiday the previous year / the year before.
Write the statements and commands as reported speech // 'You are the only person I know who likes classical music' (She said....)
She said (that) I was the only person she knew who liked / likes classical music.
Write the statements and commands as reported speech // 'It's my birthday tomorrow'. (he said....)
He said (that) it was his birthday the next day.
Write the statements and commands as reported speech // 'We've all passed our English exam' (They said.....)
They said that they'd all passed their English exam.
Write the statements and commands as reported speech // 'Shut the door' (She told him.....)
She told him to shut the door.
Write the statements and commands as reported speech // 'I've got a surprise for you' (She said.....)
She said (that) she'd got a surprise for me.
Write the statements and commands as reported speech // 'I'm leaving school at the end of next year' (he said.....)
He said (that) he was leaving school at the end of the following year.
Write the reported speech as direct speech // She told him to stop worrying.
'Stop worrying'
Write the reported speech as direct speech // Max said he'd left the day before.
'I left yesterday'
Write the reported speech as direct speech // They said they'd come and see me later.
'We'll come and see you later'
Write the reported speech as direct speech // She says she's older than me.
'I'm older than you'
Write the reported speech as direct speech // He says he still feels ill.
'I still feel ill'
Write the reported speech as direct speech // I said I was sorry, but I couldn't lend her any more money.
'I'm sorry but I can't lend you any more money'.
Write the reported speech as direct speech // She said she was living in Moscow
'I'm living in Moscow'