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African Mystery Animals
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I am brown. I have black, yellow, or orange spots. I can run 60 miles per hour. I can purr like a cat. What am I?
a cheetah
I am brown. I have brown spots. I look like a dog. I eat dead animals. I have a funny laugh. What am I?
a hyena (a spotted hyena)
I am green. I have scales. I can be 6-12 feet long. I eat lizards and bats. I hunt at night. What am I?
a snake (a western green mamba)
I have a dark mane. I have four legs. I have two black horns. I eat grass. What am I?
a wildebeest
I am brown. I have four legs. I have small ears. I have a very large mouth. I like to swim. What am I?
a hippopotamus
I am gray. I have two horns. I have four legs. I have small ears. I like to roll in mud. What am I?
a rhinocerous
I have brown spots. I am very tall. I have a long neck. I can run and kick. I like to eat leaves from tall trees. What am I?
a giraffe
I have four legs. I am brown. I have a pocket for my baby. I can jump very high. What am I?
a kangaroo
I have four legs. I have a tail. I am black and white. I can run very fast. What am I?
a zebra
I have large ears. I have a trunk. I have tusks. I am a very big. What am I?
an elephant