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Explore the USA Alaska

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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One of the towns in Alaska had a cat as a mayor for about 20 years. True/False?
They have about ____ hours of sunshine a day.
Fruits and vegetables grow larger in Alaska than elsewhere. True/False?
There are more than 130 _____volcanoes in Alaska
What is the official sport of Alaska?
Dog sledding
Russia is so close to Alaska you can swim to it. True/False?
Anchorage is the capital of Alaska. True/False?
The USA purchased Alaska off the Russian Empire for 1 million dollars. True or False?
False. For 7,2 million dollars
Alaska was once a part of the Russian Empire. True or False?
How do you call people who live in Alaska?
What does the word Alaska mean?
Great Land
People have lived there only for 1500 years. True or False?
False. For 15000 years
Alaska is the largest state in the USA. True or False?
The nickname of the state is
The Last Frontier / The Land of the Midnight Sun / Sward's Icebox
Alaska was the _____ state to join the USA