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Fast Track 1 Unit 3

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who is the most stunning person?
Teacher Nik
Where is the most stunning place in Korea?
When do you go to a stadium?
What movie has the best soundtrack?
What is the most popular TV series in Korea?
What is the most popular book series in Korea?
Do you like taking selfies?
What is your LEAST favorite genre of music?
What your favorite genre of music?
When did BTS debut?
What is a career that you DON'T want?
What career do you want?
What is your favorite animated show?
What is your favorite animated movie?
What is your favorite album?
What is your biggest accomplishment?
Would you rather play a board game or a video game? Why?
What is your favorite movie? What is it about?
What movie has the worst "special effects?"
What movie has the best "special effects?"
What are three things that you think "are lit"
What is the worst movie that you've seen "on the big screen?"
What is the best movie you've seen "on the big screen?"
What is the last movie that you saw "on the big screen?"
What do you have "coming up" this week-end?
What do you have "coming up" this weekend?
What is this movie "based on?"
It is based on history!
What are Spiderman movies "based on?"
They're based on comic books!
What are the Harry Potter movies "based on?"
They are based on books!
What is a TV show with "good reviews?"
What is a movie with "good reviews?"
What is a game that you "can't put down?"
What is a book that you "couldn't put down?"
What is a show that you have "binge-watched?"
What is your favorite "box office hit?"