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Descriptive verbs
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They sat staring at each other, the silence broken only by the occasional lorry..............past the window. a. groaning b. rumbling c. creaking
b. rumbling
The chair...............under his weight as he tried to put the suitcase back on top of the wardrobe. a. slammed, b. crunched c. creaked
c. creaked
Angry at the decision, I left the room, ................the door behind me. a. groaning b. creaking c. slamming
c. slamming
From the..............in the long grass beside him, it was clear there was a snake nearby. a. hissing b. snapping c. crunching
a. hissing
The car..................to a halt, narrowly missing the bus coming the other way. a. screeched b. crunched c. trickled
a. screeched
The old ship................as it was tossed around by the waves. a. snapped b. groaned c.growled
b. groaned
As Giles reached forward, the branch.....................under him and he fell to the ground. a. snapped b. rumbled c.crunched
a. snapped
All we could hear was the sound of water...............somewhere in the darkness. a. crunching b. trickling c.hissing
b. trickling