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B1 Open World Grammar Unit 4
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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Town and Country vocabulary // What's an American English word for an underground train system?
a subway
Town and Country vocabulary // What's the shape of tall buildings with sky behind them?
the skyline
Town and Country vocabulary // What's a notice giving information about where something is?
a signpost
Town and Country vocabulary // What's a low area of land between mountains or hills?
a valley
Town and Country vocabulary // What's an area where plants and animals are protected?
a nature reserve
Town and Country vocabulary // What's a part of the city where people live?
a neighbourhood
Town and Country vocabulary // What's water that drops from high up?
a waterfall
Town and Country vocabulary // What's a very tall building?
a skyscraper
Town and Country vocabulary // What's a small river called?
a stream
Town and Country vocabulary // What's a big building with flats in it?
an apartment block
Put into past simple or past perfect // Yesterday, we (GO) to the cinema because there was a new film that none of us (SEE)
went / had seen
Put into past simple or past perfect // We (CANNOT) go for a walk in the forest yesterday because the snow and ice (MAKE) the paths too dangerous.
couldn't / had made
Put into past simple or past perfect // It (BE) sunny every day for two weeks, but then it (START) to snow.
had been / started
Put into past simple or past perfect // We (PLAN) to have a picnic, but then it started raining, so we (HAVE TO) think of something else to do.
had planned / had to
Put into past simple or past perfect // It (RAIN) all night and although it (STOP) the ground (BE) still very wet.
had rained / had stopped / was
Choose the correct option // Lionel Messi (WON / WAS WINNING) a gold medal for Argentina in the Beijing Olympics.
Choose the correct option // It was a lovely day. The sun (SHONE / WAS SHINING) and the birds (SONG / WERE SINGING)
was shining / were singing
Choose the correct option // While I was talking to my friend, I (REALISED / WAS REALISING) that something was wrong.
Choose the correct option // My friends often (PHONED (WERE OFTEN PHONING) me when my parents were out.
Choose the correct option // While I (WATCHED / WAS WATCHING) TV, my sister was doing her homework.
was watching
Put into past simple or past continuous // Last night I (DROP) a plate when I (DO) the washing up. Fortunately it (NOT BREAK)
dropped / was doing / didn't break.
Put into past simple or past continuous // When I was young, I (WANT) to be a pilot.
Put into past simple or past continuous // I (WALK) along the street when suddenly I (HEAR) footsteps behind me. Somebody (FOLLOW) me. I was scared and I (START) to run.
was walking / heard / was following / started
Put into past simple or past continuous // I haven't seen Alan for ages. When I last (SAW) him he (TRY) to find a job.
saw / was trying
Put into past simple or past continuous // We were in a very difficult position. We (ARE KNOW) what to do.
didn't know
Put into past simple or past continuous // Sam (TAKE) a picture of me while I (NOT LOOK)
took / wasn't looking
Put into past simple or past continuous // How fast (YOU DRIVE) when the accident (HAPPEN)?
were you driving / happened
Put into past simple or past continuous // What (YOU / DO) at this time yesterday? I was asleep
were you doing
Put into past simple or past continuous // Jenny (WAIT) for me when I (ARRIVE)
was waiting / arrived
Past simple - complete the sentences // It was hard carrying the bags. They (BE) very heavy.
Past simple - complete the sentences // I was in a hurry, so I (HAVE) time to phone you.
didn't have
Past simple - complete the sentences // The hotel wasn't very expensive. It (COST) much to stay there.
didn't cost
Past simple - complete the sentences // The window was open and a bird (FLY) into the room.
Past simple - complete the sentences // The bed was very uncomfortable. I (SLEEP) well.
didn't sleep
Past simple - complete the sentences // We were very tired, so we (LEAVE) the party early.
Past simple - complete the sentences // I knew Sarah was busy, so I (DISTURB) her
didn't disturb
Past simple - complete the sentences // The film wasn't very good. I (ENJOY) it much.
didn't enjoy
Past simple - complete the sentences // It was warm so I (TAKE) off my coat.