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Social 3rd Grade

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How was the ancient Greek terrain?
Where is the Tropical Zone located?
The Tropical Zone is located between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn.
Which was the most important mean of transport of the ancient Greeks?
Where is the Tropic of Cancer located?
It is located between the Equator and the Arctic Circle.
What were the city-states?
They were indepdent cities.
Who was the main authority in a greek family?
The father
Because they were close to the sea, Ancient greeks were experts.......
marines and traders
What could greek citizens do? A)They worked for the metecos; B)They could participate in politics; or C)They had to pay taxes.
B) They could participate in politics
Who received a state education in Sparta? A) Only boys. B) Boys and girls.
B) Boys and girls.
Where the ancien greek were located?
In Europe, the Balkan Peninsula
Was military training important for Athenians?
No. That was important for Spartans. Culture and arts was important for them.
What are the Meridians?
The Meridians are imaginary lines along the Earth that goes from north to south.
What are Parallels?
The Parallels are imaginary lines along the Earth that goes from west to east.
Who were the Metecos?
They were foreigners who live in Athens
What are the two most important lines of reference of the Earth?
They are Line of Equator and Greenwich Meridian.
Were women considered citizens in the Greek society? Yes or No?
"It has an extremely arid landscape due to the lack of rain." Which Tropical zone landscape this definition correspond to? A. Jungle B. Desert C. Savanna
B. Desert
Is the Athenian education similar to the education you receive? Yes or no?
Which economic activities did the Greeks develop?
Agriculture and fishing
What was the main difference between Athens and Sparta?
Their government
In which climatic zone, Sunlight gets directly to the Earth?
Tropical zone