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B1 Open World Grammar Unit 2

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A: I've (ALREADY / JUST / YET) finished reading this book. Would you like to borrow it? B: No thanks. I've (ALREADY / JUST / YET) read it.
just // already
Katy has (ALREADY / JUST / YET) turned 20 years old. Her birthday was yesterday!
I thought this homework would take a long time, but I've finished it (ALREADY / JUST / YET)
My kitchen smells really nice because I've (ALREADY / JUST / YET) finished baking some cookies.
I want to go abroad for my holiday. I've (ALREADY / JUST / YET) reserved my flight, but I haven't found a good hotel (ALREADY / JUST / YET)
Already // Yet
No I haven't finished it (ALREADY / JUST / YET)
James is on holiday. He's (BEEN / GONE) to Italy.
The weather is dry. It hasn't rained (FOR / SINCE) a few weeks.
Jane is away. She's been away (FOR / SINCE) Friday.
I wonder where Joe is. I haven't seen him (FOR / SINCE) last week.
I haven't been to a party (FOR / SINCE) ages.
Kevin has been looking for a job (FOR / SINCE) he left school.
I'm tired of waiting. We've been sitting here (FOR / SINCE) an hour.
Paul has lived in Brazil (FOR / SINCE) ten years.
Sarah has lived in Paris (FOR / SINCE) 1995.
It's been raining (FOR / SINCE) lunchtime.
Complete using Present perfect or past simple // Where do you live? 'in Almeria'. "How long (YOU LIVE) there?" "Five years". "Where (YOU / LIVE) before that?" "In Mojacar" "And how long (YOU / LIVE) in Mojacar?" "10 years"
have you lived // did you // did you live
Complete using Present perfect or past simple // It's nearly lunchtime and (I / NEVER / SEE) Martin all morning. I wonder where he is.
I haven't seen
Complete using Present perfect or past simple // I don't know Karen's husband. (I / NEVER / MEET) him.
I have never met
Complete using Present perfect or past simple // My grandfather (DIE) before I was born. (I / NEVER / MEET) him.
died // I never met
Complete using Present perfect or past simple // (YOU / GO) to the cinema last night? Yes, but (IT / BE) a mistake. The film (BE) awful.
Did you go //it was // was
Complete using Present perfect or past simple // Mary lives in Dublin. (SHE / LIVE) there all her life.
has lived
Complete using Present perfect or past simple // Mr Lee (WORK) in a bank for 15 years. The (HE / GIVE) it up. New he works as a gardener.
worked // he gave
Complete using Present perfect or past simple // The bus drivers were on strike last week. (THERE / BE) no buses.
There were
Complete using Present perfect or past simple // I'm tired. (I / NOT / SLEEP) well last night.
I didn't sleep
Complete using Present perfect or past simple // (YOU / SEE) Lisa recently? Yes, (I / SEE) her a few days ago.
Have you seen // I saw
Complete using Present perfect or past simple // When (I / GET) home last night, (I / BE) very tired and (I / GO) straight to bed.
I got // I was // I went
Complete using Present perfect or past simple // What's Mardrid like? I don't know. (I / NOT / BE) there
I haven't been
Correct the mistakes // I've bought a new car last week.
I bought
Correct the mistakes // Have you eaten a lot of sweets when you were a child?
Did you eat
Correct the mistakes //    Ellie isn´t at home. She has been shopping.
Correct the mistakes // Where have you been born?
Correct the mistakes // Who has invented paper?
Correct the mistakes // How many poems did William Shakespeare written?
Correct the mistakes // My mother has grown up in Italy.
Rewrite sentence using Used To // When I was younger, I didn´t get up late.
When I was younger, I didn´t use to get up late.
Rewrite sentence using Used To // Did you go on holiday with your friends when you were a child?
Did you use to go on holiday with your friends? (when you were a child?)
Rewrite sentence using Used To // My hair was blonde, now it´s brown.
I used to have blonde hair / My hair used to be blonde (but now it´s brown)
Rewrite sentence using Used To // My brother played football regularly until he broke his leg.
My brother used to play football (regularly) (until he broke his leg)
Rewrite sentence using Used To // I like hot weather now, but I didn´t in the past.
I didn´t used to like hot weather (but I do now)