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4th of July

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Do you have a favorite 4th of July dessert?
What is it?
Do you have any 4th of July traditions?
Yes / No
What season does 4th of July happen in?
Where can you celebrate 4th of July?
At home, The beach, The park, The San Diego County Fair
Why do we celebrate 4th of July?
To celebrate the anniversary of the Declaration of Independence; independence from British rule; start of the United States of America
Have you seen any cool firework shapes before? If yes, what kind?
Hearts, circles, animals, etc.
What time do fireworks start?
A: 8:00 AM, B: 12:00 PM, C: 8:00 PM
Name 3 things you may see at a parade.
Floats, cars, people, balloons, etc.
How many stripes are on the American Flag?
A: 10, B: 15, C: 13
How many stars are on the American Flag?
A: 13, B: 50, C:30
How do you celebrate 4th of July?
Hangout with family, Watch fireworks, Go to a BBQ, Go to the beach
What is the temperature usually like on 4th of July?
Sunny, Warm, Hot
What is another name for 4th of July?
Independence Day
Name 3 foods that you might see or eat on 4th of July.
Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Chicken, Potato Salad, Fruit, Corn, Rice, Beans, etc.
What colors do we see most on 4th of July?
Red, White, Blue
What day of the week is 4th of July on this year?