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Unit 3 & 4 review - TMTE Rajshahi

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who knows? You might/ will/ won't make some useful contacts at the conference.
She doesn't think she will/ might/ won't go travelling after university. She wants to find a job as soon as possible.
Don't go on holiday next week. They might/ might not/ will invite you for a second interview.
I know they will/might/won't offer me a good salary. My friend works there and he doesn't earn a lot of money.
I'm sure you will/might pass the exam. You've worked very hard this year.
I don't have to/ mustn't/ can't wear a uniform, but I can/ mustn't/ have to dress smartly.
don't have to/ have to
I don't have to/ can't/ must go to bed late because I have to start work early.
I work as a receptionist in a big hotel, so I must/ mustn't/ can always be polite to guests.
The exam has been postponed another two months. I can't/ don't have to/ mustn't study now.
I don't have to study now.
I have flexible hours at work. I can't/ don't have to/ must stay until 5:00 pm.
I don't have to stay until 5:00 pm.
You must not smoke in this toilet. (can't, have to, don't have to)
You can't smoke in this toilet.
Visitors must not take photos using flash photography. (can't, have to, don't have to)
Visitors can't take photos using flash photography.
All visitors must wash their hands before entering this room. (can/ have to/not have to)
All visitors have to wash their hands ......
The new university building is _______ ready - we'll have our lessons there next month.
Steven l______ _____ ______ his brother - they're both tall and they've both got black hair.
looks just like
Michele leaves home at 8 am and arrives at work at 8.25. It takes him _______ ________ an hour to get there.
just about
I love looking around/ up clothes shops.
I look/ look like tired when i don't get much sleep.
I always look for/to special offers when I go shopping.
I spend too much time l_______ a___ social media.
looking at
I was only in the city an hour, so I didn't have time to l_____ a_______.
look around
He doesn't l_______ very well - maybe he's got a cold.
I didn't know the address, so I l______ it u__ online.
looked up
I'm l_________ a_____ my friend's cat while he's on holiday.
looking after
We're really l______ f______ t__ our holiday in Florida.
looking forward to
I _______ (not do) anything in the afternoon. Great! I _____ (have) a barbeque. Do you want to come?
am not doing/ am having
__________ (you/ do) anything this Saturday? Yes, I _____ (go) to my sister in the evening.
Are you doing/ am going
I ______________ (take) an English exam this year.
am going to take/ am taking
They ___________ (travel) around South America this winter.
are going to travel/ are travelling
I ________ (watch) a film at the cinema soon.
am going to watch
I have j_____ a______ finished my work.
just about
I think the books cost j_______ u_______ 500 takas.
just under
She looks j________ l________ her sister.
just like
I always try to do s_______ n_______ at weekends.
something nice
He made a j_______ and everyone laughed.
I want to do some v_________ work for a charity this summer.
I gave the woman d__________ to the tourist office.
My mum was so upset, so I gave her a h_________
She r_____ two marathons and from that she r_____ lots of money for different charities.
ran/ raised
My colleague Andrea is really generous. She _________ a lot of work for charity.
lost/ ever/ you/ money/ have/ the/ street/ on?
Have you ever lost money on the street?
ever/ driven/ you/ an/ car/ expensive/ have?
Have you ever driven an expensive car?
ever/ to/ a very/ restaurant/ expensive/ have/ you/ been?
Have you ever been to an expensive restaurant?
given/ you/ a stranger/ have/ money/ to?
Have you given money to a stranger?
you/ bought/ ever/ have/ something/ need/ you/ didn't?
Have you ever bought something you didn't need?