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Social 4th Grade

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name one role that the Aztec children had in their daily life
The boys worked in the chinampas and prepared for war; the girls helped with weaving and house chores. Boys and girls went to school.
Is the god of rain for Aztecs
What does Mesoamerica mean?
Middle America
What is the name of the lake where Tenochtitlán is located?
Texcoco lake
Where were the Aztecs located?
In the Valley of Mexico
In Maya civilization, who paid taxes? A) Privileged groups. B) Slaves. C) Village and peasants.
C) Village and peasants.
What were the Chinampas?
An agricultural system
Which activities in the life of the Aztec Empire were protected by the gods? Name at least two
War, studies, agriculture
What was the other name for Aztecs?
What was the writing system that Aztecs invented?
Who supported the Halach Uinic?
The Supreme Council
In what continent Brazil is located?
In South America.
What is the mane of the MAIN Meridian?
The MAIN meridian is called Greenwich.
Who was the Halach Uinic?
He was the king of the city-state
What is the name of the MOST IMPORTANT parallel?
The MOST IMPORTANT parallel is called the Equator line.
What is a mountain range?
It is a series of connected mountains
Can a Non Renewable resource reproduce again?
No. Or take millions of years to do so.
What does it mean for a religion of Mayas and Aztecs be Polytheist?
It means they believed in many gods
What are the six types of natural resources?
Agricultural resources, animal resources, marine resources, mineral resources, forest resources and fossil fuels resources.
What coasts did the Aztecs dominate?
Pacific and Atlantic oceans
The most important city of the Aztec empire was...?
"Rainfall, temperature, and humidity will vary according to the year's season, allowing for certain crops." What is the correct weather to the previous definition?
Temperate weather
Who was the emperor of the Aztec empire?
Has Mexico a tropical climate? Say yes or no