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Science 3rd grade

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How many planets the Solar System has?
It has eight planets
What the Natural Satellites are?
They are celestial bodies which orbit planets.
Where is the Asteroid Belt located?
It is located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter
What is the Earth's natural satellite?
The Moon
Name at least 3 components of the Solar System
The Sun, comets, asteroids, natural satellites and planets.
In which galaxy do we live?
In the Milky Way galaxy
Stars are made of...?
Hot gases
Which is the main effect of the Earth´s rotation?
Day and Night
Which is the hottest planet of the solar system?
Look at the picture. What phase of the Moon is shown in the picture?
New Moon
Look at the picture. Why does the Moon look like letter D?
Because the Sun illuminates the right side of the Moon.
What kind of planet Pluto is?
It is a dwarf planet
In which place from the Sun is Uranus located?
Seventh place
The Seasons of the year are caused by...?
the Earth´s orbital revolution
What are the two characteristics of a sound?
The two characteristics of a sound are Intensity and Tone
The intensity of sound can be: A) deep and soft. B) high-pitched and low-pitched C) soft and loud.
A) Deep and Soft
How many days takes the Earth to orbit the Sun?
365 days
What is the most important star in the solar system?
The Sun
How sound is produced?
Sound is produced due to the vibration of a body
A Rainbow is formed due to: A. Refraction B. Dispersion C. Reflection
B. Dispersion
How does the light travel and propagate?
Light travels in straight lines and it propagates in all directions
How can solar eclipses be?
Partial, total and annular
The origin of the universe is known like a huge explosion called...?
The Big Bang
What are the Transparent Objects?
Are things we can see through easily, because light passes completely through them.
Name the four interior planets
Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars.